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Global Economic Justice
Beyond creating solutions that ameliorate poverty downstream from the root causes, we aim to eliminate the circumstances that are creating poverty in the first place.
By thinking, writing, and advancing the right narratives, we work to:
Demystify existing structures and systems that create and perpetuate poverty. ​​
​Explore pathways to real systemic and structural change anchored on building a world where everyone can and will do well where our systems of global governance, finance, trade, technology, etc. are brought to bear and made to align with the well-being of all people, not just a privileged few.
Promote existing work addressing the root causes of poverty.
We highlight the structural dimensions of inequality in the global economy and promote scholarship, policy and advocacy work directed towards illuminating and redressing the laws and institutions that create and reinforce global economic inequality.
Ongoing Projects
Highlighting the structural dimensions of inequality in the global economy.
Upcoming Projects
Highlighting the structural dimensions of inequality in the global economy.
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